Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Old News that will Forever Haunt Us

The piece you are about was written when the Casey Anthony trail took in her favor in Florida. I like many other fellow human beings around the world knew she was guilty, that she needed to rot in prison. Though for whatever reason even when the facts were clear that Casey was guilty the Jury of her peers agreed that she was innocent because of reasonable doubt. Though it took her 31 days to report that her daughter was missing, and that the remains were found near the family home. Instead she was charged with 4 misdemeanor's of lying to the police. I would say the Justice system had failed. I know this is old news, but news that will later haunt us. As well you will notice that during this time there was a horrific death of a mental ill homeless man in Fullerton California. Police officers just ruthless beat a man crying, crying out for his father. People stunned, they had no idea what do, they can't call the police since it is the police committing the act that no human being honestly wants to see or ever do. He later died in the hospital. At the hearing his father breaking in tears simply ask's, "Why?" Why did this even happen in the first place? Power corrupts those of weak minds. I share a quote from a powerful man, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln. And then there is our cruel, humorous joke of our Congress. I am firm believer of the American government and the rights we have. Though I disagree where some our tax money ends up. I disagree that we can have Big Business pay off  Representatives and Senators in campaigns because of self-interest. Though politics is nothing but a joke, but when it hurts millions and even billions it stings in my heart, and it bleeds for billion others. Sometimes poetic justice is but the words in which are state on paper. I named this Sins of Thousands but to be fair it should be renamed Sins of the Billions. We are a great nation no matter what our views may be, whatever religion we practice, whatever how we live our lives that we live in a great nation. Nothing is perfect, but we can try to make this world less colder, make it better for all us. I hope you enjoy this piece, I hope you can feel and immerse yourself in my anger, in my grief, and the hope we can stop what injustices we can. Oh! Yes and the heat you may experience burning you to the bone is the Texas drought and those wildfires that plaque Texas. I hope for those who live in Texas that you see many weeks of heavy rain. You deserve it.

Sins of Thousands (Billions?)

Deadly raging heat scorching my flesh.
Burning my sins of thousands
As we unleash a murderer of a child.
Screams echo in the swampy mesh.

My skin melts into ash.
Children acting like men thresh
Around debating who was right.
While the poor man continues to be bashed.

Muscle and nerves turn into dust.
A jury paid off with petty cash,
As a father cries out for revenge.
People seethe their own disgust.

Record heat leaves nothing but my bones.
American people furthering their distrust.
Corruption breeds the parasites we fear.
A nation filled with mindless drones.

1 comment:

  1. That is a heavy duty poem and very well done! You have the soul of an artist. I share that type of soul and feel a little too deeply the angst you talk about. It is up to us to deal honestly and fairly, in even the smallest things, in our daily lives.


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