Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ads That have Appeared

I'm sure everyone has noticed the ads on my site. Well I'm not going to lie to anyone of you. I'm a poor college student. I'm not entirely sure how Adsense works but its alittle income that can help me pay off bills while I continue to search for a job. Though I do not want those ads to take away from the creative, deep, meaning of my poetry, and my short stories. I work hard as an individual both inside and outside. (How cliche of me.) I'm struggling but I'm pushing myself up. I'm hoping to complete college and earn my degree in English Education and teach. That is my dream, and my goal to earn. Though I'm scared that I won't be able to pay half of the cost to transfer to Missouri State University. That terrifies me beyond anything. I value Education and I do believe that is why I want to teach young minds of classic literature, modern tales, and ageless poetry.  But I won't be able to so if I can not finish my education. The adsense is a job but as I said just something to help me get by while I search for a job to help me through. I've got a few leads and I hope they work out. 
I will always continue to write poetry for all to enjoy and discuss. (Secretly I dream to be published) That is the main focus that I want emphasize on this blog. I don't how the adsense works out for pay but as long you come here and read my poetry, leave a comment expressing how you loved it, or just simply read it and enjoy it then I am ever happy. If these ads annoy you let me know and I'll get one of IT friends to figure something out. I'm not fond of html. Though I hope you understand where I am coming from, and that you know that poetry will come first before money in my life. This adsense is just to give me a hand while I search. Thank you and read on.

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