Saturday, February 4, 2012


Tenuous clogged emotions surface.
Memories of what I've thought died
Long ago in ragged red leaves.
Pity I just can't brush them aside.


  1. Hi Jess, I have read all your posts in this set and choose to comment here because this poem speaks to me in a way prose cannot, my test of good poetry.
    Now, about God.
    Your struggle to make sense of religion is one anyone who is intellectually honest eventually attempts. Few succeed.
    I will not tell you what my conclusion is, but I will give you a clue.
    Start from the perspective of Darwin, survival of the fittest and inherited traits. Then ask yourself; in what ways has religion contributed to the our survival? And then tell how that has manifested itself over human history, or for that matter, over the history of any species from emergence to extinction.
    Unlike any previous species, we have needed to create religions, but why? Tell me what you think.
    If you want more, I will send you an essay on the subject that is a bit scary, but does describe a stripped down logical model that offers a starting point for real solutions.

    I just went to 'preview' and note you have activated your 'word verification' button.
    For me and most bloggers that is a put off, so please consider its value to you over 'approval'.
    This will be my second try. It is impossible to discern the difference between 'rn' and 'm' in that form, so if that comes up again, I will probably get it wrong again.

  2. I do apologize for the word verification box. I have turned that off. I didn't realize it was up..or I would had turned it off eons ago.

    At the basic's of Darwin's survival of the fittest, religion could be the reason ancient man didn't stumble out in the dark wilderness where Beast still had no fear of us. So we created "demons" to keep children in at dark. Or those who perform rituals perceived that the "gods" would give them bountiful season, in order to survive. So man created traditions in making sure crops grew. That is simply just a guess in a dark for me.

    You have me very intrigued and I appreciate the fact that enjoyed this little piece of mine. I wouldn't mind reading your essay on this subject.


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