Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Conscience

A many time have I felt the stigma of  being the non-believer of Christianity. That I don't fear God's inferno rage of brim stone and lakes of fire. That I promote the ideas of viewing other religions on par with Christianity. Well, it is true, I don't fear God, I don't believe it, God, does not have any wrath towards any creation in this grand universe. From the oldest religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, to the more newly religions of Judaic times. ( Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.)  All is equal in my eyes because I see the good in each religion. Seeing the good in religions makes one open his or hers third eye, in my opinion. To open your third eye is finally understanding life, bringing one closer to enlightenment. I believe in reason, I believe in science, and I believe all can exist with religion. I state this because we may know our origins and the creation of Earth, but we don't understand yet, or even comprehend why there is a Universe, or parallel universes. How certain planets are placed in the right spots between stars. Evolution we know exists but we don't understand why it happens. Sometimes we can't even comprehend why some people have genetics code to withstand the most deadly viruses. Our technological progression may never understand that knowledge, but deep down in the depths of our minds we know. We know that there is spiritual world that all our ancestors, and recently deceased love ones exist. That the great prophets and saviors reside with a mighty, benevolent being that our mortal eyes would burst from this beings light, this mighty and grand being of love.  

 "However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?" - Buddha 

Buddha was a man as he claims, just a man who had finally awaken from a dream. He didn't care who you were, he only cared if you followed the Eightford path. Which is, 

1. Right View- A way of life always involve more than beliefs, but it can never bypass them completely. Life needs a blueprint, some map the mind can trust if we are to direct our energies purposively.   

2. Right Intent- Focus on our actions, do what is good  than be distracted by what is wrong. 

3. Right Speech- Become aware of our speech and become aware of who you are. Speak nothing but the truth. 

4. Right Conduct- Do not kill, do not steal, do not lie and do not be unchaste. (Last one meaning for those unmarried or monks, this means continence. For married it means restraint in proportion to one's interest.), and do not drink intoxicants. 

5. Right Livelihood- Live in life's mean, do not be hindered with occupations that limit spiritual progression. 

6. Right Effort- " He robbed me, he beat me, he abused me'- in the minds of those who think like this, hatred will never cease." - Buddha. Learn to forget troubles, pave the way for compassion and patience.

7. Right Mindfulness- " All we are is the result of what we have thought." - Buddha. To have good, peaceful thoughts we create the person we are. 

8. Right Concentration- The way towards enlightenment. 

This is older than Moses ten commandants, but no place is this any different. We must live in this life with compassion, with patience, and with love. It is hard to love those who do wrong but we are are forgiving even when forgiveness is harder to accept, but we unleash a weight that was crushing out hearts. Jesus Christ is perfect example of how to love when love is hard to give. Jesus is not considered to be the messiah to the Jews because he did not have the traits of a leader, or a warrior, instead Jesus displayed love, and prayed for those who did not understand. He spoke of love for enemies, spoke of love for the poor, and blessed those who seemed were scum, but in his eyes they were redeemable. It saddens me when those of Christian faith condemn those who practice other faiths, who believe in nothing, has Jesus not explain in his words of truth to you? 
In Luke Jesus says, "Stop Judging others, and you will not be judged. Stop criticizing others, you will be forgiven. If you give, you will receive. Your gift in return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use in giving-large or small-it will be used to measure what is given back to you."  

I know I am not a perfect person, I know I am a sinner, but I do not judge those who do not need to be judged. If two men love each other then as Jesus says love them for who they are, they I love them for who they are. If someone who hates me because I dress a certain way, I should not feel anger towards or hatred but instead I pray for them and love them regardless. Will I hug them no, but do they deserve the same hatred as they have given to me? No. Now there are some people in this world that will commit hate that no human should ever commit. It is hard to forgive as I've said, but in time things will get better. We just have to keep faith in hearts because some people may taunt you, others will call you a non-believer, others may ban you, but keep strong with love, with compassion, and never forget there is a God who loves you, and everyone as equals. 

"True religion is not a narrow dogma. It is not external observance. It is faith in God and living in the presence of God. It means faith in a future, in truth and Ahimsa. Religion is a matter of the heart. No physical inconvenience can warrant abandonment of one's own religion." - Gandhi , a believer of Hinduism, a leader of liberation through peaceful ways.

To answer a question I'm sure many of you have been wondering, "Is he a Christian, Buddhist, a Hindu, or what?"  I am nothing, but everything. I believe in the light, the truth, the mind and heart. I believe what is right for humankind, I believe through the powers of love. I am talking about the good of religions, the truth that words hold. The chaos, the murders, the jihads, and the hatred we see are those who twist the words of purity of good men and women. They are confused, and I pray for them. I honestly do, I pray that will find truth in love even when they kill those we love. When God looks upon their souls, they will cry of heartache they have caused to this grand and old being of knowledge, love, and truth. 

I have only explored the tip of my spiritual iceberg to you. I know many will not agree with this but I understand and I do not condemn you, I do not wish any ill will because I do not believe I should. God gave us free will for us to follow our own path. That is why this Universe is beautiful because we are are given such gifts of love, compassion, patience, and the ability to try and understand our fellow human being. 

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