Friday, April 20, 2012

Bluffs End

There are moments that are never enough.
They seem to last in abundance of joys.
Playing in the water under the old rocky bluff.
Screaming, laughing as it is with us young boys.

Our imaginations we tend to hold now flee.
The rocks from the bluff crumple down.
A howl echoes in our ears like banshees
Screaming, only to see blood flow around.

1 comment:

  1. "last in abundance of joys" and "laughing as it is with (us) young boys"
    These lines express so well the exuberance of youth, as it accepts whatever and wherever it is born into.
    Life seems like that when we are young, but later it seems the world we know is falling apart! It is, of course as it always has, but there need not be blood. Depends on whether we take responsibility or blame someone else or see change as an adventure! Easy to say, hard to do maybe.


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